Health Services (Nurse)
Reach out to your certified nurse at Coebourn any time with concerns or questions regarding managing your child's health while at school.
Visit the PDSD Health Services webpage for information about the following:
- Health forms and emergency cards
- Health requirements
- School physicals
Illness procedures and support
Upcoming events - Flu Clinics
Student Emergencies
At the start of the school year, you will receive forms for emergency contact information. Please ensure all contact details are accurate, and update the school with any changes.
Communicable Diseases
If your child is diagnosed or suspected of having a communicable disease (e.g., head lice, strep throat, pink eye, chickenpox, ringworm, pinworms, scabies, or skin staph infections), notify the school nurse promptly.
Several students at Coebourn Elementary have severe food, environmental, and latex allergies. To prevent allergic reactions, please remind your child not to share food in the classroom or cafeteria. Latex balloons are not allowed at school events; Mylar balloons are an acceptable alternative.
We encourage medication to be administered outside school hours. If necessary during school, provide a physician’s written request with diagnosis, dosage, and instructions; and medication in the original pharmacy-labeled container. Parents must deliver the medication to the school nurse.