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Coebourn Elementary Hosts NFC Championship Pep Rally

Coebourn Elementary Hosts NFC Championship Pep Rally

Coebourn Elementary students gathered for a schoolwide pep rally on January 24 to show their support for the Philadelphia Eagles ahead of the NFC Championship game. Each grade participated with touchdown dances and cheers, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere.

Superintendent Dr. Steinhoff, dubbed the "Commissioner of Football" for the event, made a surprise appearance that added to the excitement. Two classes were recognized for their exceptional performances and received trophies for their school spirit.

During the rally, students connected the Philadelphia Eagles' success to the 7 Habits from the Leader in Me program, discussing how leadership and teamwork play a role both in football and everyday life.

The event concluded with enthusiastic cheers of "Go Birds," as students and staff celebrated their Eagles pride.

Coebourn Elementary students gathered for a schoolwide pep rally on January 24 to show their support for the Philadelphia Eagles ahead of the NFC Championship game. 

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