Hello Coebourn Families,
On behalf of the Coebourn Elementary PTL, welcome to the new school year! We look forward to working with the faculty, students, and you to bring the Coebourn community together.
Enclosed is information regarding the many things provided by the PTL. Below are some (but not all) of the activities/events that we help support, fund and/or coordinate:
Book Fairs (Spring & Fall)
Breakfast/Snacks & Prizes on PSSA testing days
Fall Fest
Red Ribbon Week
Family Bingo
Also included is a PTL Membership form. Your family’s contribution helps us fund activities and provide the students with a yearly t-shirt.
We have a lot of fun activities planned this year and without the generosity of those supporting our fundraising efforts, our kids would miss out. We sincerely appreciate all those who support them! Rest assured that we put the hard-earned fundraising dollars to good use and if you are ever interested in seeing how the money is spent, just come to one of our PTL meetings.
Please note the 5th Grade Class also does fundraisers throughout the school year for their special events. Fundraisers should be marked clearly whether they are supporting the PTL or the 5th Grade Class. (Feel free to email us for clarification.)
Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Email us at We’d appreciate hearing from you! Better yet, Join us for our PTL meetings. PTL Meetings are the first Thursday of each month (no meetings in December or June). Meetings will be held each month at the Coebourn Elementary Library.
Can’t make the meetings but are curious about what the PTL is working on? Follow us on Facebook/Coebourn Elementary PTL and Twitter @CoebournPTL. Let’s work together to make this a great year for our children!
The PTL Executive Committee
Rachel Quinn - President
Tina Fuller - Vice President
Gina Lightcap - Vice President
Jenny Vincent - Secretary
Laura Reed - Treasurer