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Membership & T-Shirt Sizing Forms

Family Membership Form

Dear Coebourn Families,

As part of our fundraising efforts, we are asking each family to support the Coebourn PTL by contributing $10.00 (or more!) to the annual Membership Drive.  This contribution, along with the other fundraising efforts, allows the PTL to provide many activities and events for every student and staff member in our school.   As a member of the PTL you can hold a committee or board position, as well as have voting rights.

Please return the form below to your teacher by Friday, September 15th.  

Be sure to mark your envelope “PTL Membership Drive”.  The entire school community appreciates your support!

Family’s Last Name: ___________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________

Name of each child: Teacher

______________________ _________________________

______________________ _________________________

______________________ _________________________

______________________ _________________________

______________________ _________________________

Contribution is $10.00 per family (not per individual child)

  • Cash    

  • Check made payable to Coebourn Elementary PTL, Inc.

  • Venmo @coebournptl - please include your students name/grade



Each student will receive a Coebourn Elementary t-shirt courtesy of the Coebourn PTL. Your support with PTL fundraisers helps support the cost of such items.  We sincerely appreciate your past support and look forward to working with you in the new school year. 

  • Please return the form below to your teacher by Friday, September 15th.  

If we do not receive the form by the due date a size will be chosen for the student.

  • There are no shirt samples available.  We recommend ordering a bigger size so that the student can still wear the shirts in June.  

Youth Sizes: Adult Sizes:

Sizes= YS S

Sizes = YM M

Sizes = YL L

Sizes = YXL XL


Student: __________________________________________________

Teacher: _______________________________Grade:_____________

Free Shirt Size: ________________


**If you’d like to submit Membership and T-Shirt forms electronically, please use the QR code below: