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Our staff values open and regular communication with parents, as it's essential for successful educational programs.We encourage parents to stay in close contact with their child’s teacher regarding academic progress and other important matters. Please don't hesitate to inform the school of any events that may impact your child’s learning experience.

To speak with a teacher, you may call the office to leave a voicemail or email the teacher directly. Calls and emails will be returned as soon as possible. If concerns arise throughout the year—about classroom incidents, homework, or academic progress—your first point of contact should be your child’s teacher.

Newsletters and updates from the school office will be sent via email, along with PTL information. You can also find important details on the Penn-Delco School District website, the school’s webpage, and individual teachers' Schoology pages.

To ensure you receive school and district updates, please update the office immediately with any changes to your contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers. You can also update this information in your Skyward account. Be sure to communicate any changes with the front office so the school nurse has up-to-date information as well.